OnePlus cancels StyleSwap covers for OnePlus One smartphone

OnePlus One Bamboo StyleSwap CoverOnePlus yesterday announced that it has canceled the production of StyleSwap covers for the OnePlus One. These accessories were to have allowed users to customize their OnePlus One smartphone with new backplates available in a range of materials including wood and denim. The first of these, made of bamboo, were announced back in July.

OnePlus explained that not only were production yields of the bamboo covers much lower than it had expected but that they ran into a bigger problem. The process of removing the back cover was found to affect not only the back cover, leaving it “slightly creaky or loose” but could also damage the battery.

Ultimately, we made the very hard choice to stop production of StyleSwap covers for the OnePlus One. We simply aren’t comfortable mass releasing a product that does not offer the best user experience.

OnePlus is planning to sell the limited stock of bamboo covers it has but did not provide details as to how and when it would do so. It is also looking at offering limited edition versions of the OnePlus One will Kevlar or Denim back covers installed out of the box.

OnePlus did promise that “this won’t be a problem for the OnePlus 2, we will make sure the battery is properly protected and the the StyleSwap covers are easy safe to replace.”

Source : OnePlus Forums