Video: LG ad for Magic Focus on LG G Pro 2

Magic Focus on LG G Pro 2The last LG ad we featured certainly was odd. As many found it disturbing as those who found it funny. This latest LG ad stays firmly grounded in reality and gives us a good look at how the Magic Focus feature introduced with the LG G Pro 2 works.

With Magic Focus, users can refocus the image after it has been taken. It’s a feature that is quickly growing in popularity on high-end smartphones since Nokia unveiled its ReFocus app (available as part of the Lumia Black update). Both the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the Sony Xperia Z2 feature similar functionality and it appears that the upcoming All New HTC One will also have it.

The ad below gives you a sense of how Magic Focus works.

Essentially, the camera takes a number of photos, each at a different focus stage, effectively giving you the ability to select the preferred depth of focus before you save the picture. Alternatively, you can press the ‘All in Focus’ icon to set focus on all spots of the picture.

With its dual rear cameras, the All New HTC One may be able to do it better than smartphones with a single camera.

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